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Recap - ECW Bowl Opening - 30.05.19


You are awesome!!! Thank you all for showing up at the ECW Bowl Opening 2019. It was such a great event, everybody was chilled, the sun was out, skaters were shredding and the beer was cold.

Our friends from captured the moments and been doing a fine little VIDEO edit, that pretty much represents that evening. You're a legend!!! Our adventurous partner in crime ROARK showed up just in time the get our brand new bowl bar the right touch. Check out the clip, here:



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ecw surf guesthouse france

Element Called Water GmbH

Schwärziweg 3

5614 Sarmenstorf, AG


ECW Surf & Skate Guesthouse

2305, Rt. d'Azur

40140 Soustons, Nouvelle Aquitaine


0041 78 722 98 97

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We are open June through November, come visit us anytime between 8am - 22pm!


CALL US with any questions, we are available 10am-19pm.

Surf Camp Frankreich - Soustons

© 2024 by ecwsurf

Soustons - NOUVELLE AQUITAINE - France

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